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Saturday, August 15, 2015

You Know, Ozymandias Did a Lot of Good Stuff, Too

Watchmen spoilers ahead. If you haven't read Watchmen, quit reading my dumb blog and go read Watchmen.

Yeah sure, he devastated cities across the globe and cost hundreds of thousands of lives in the process, but hear me out! The Oz-man was an incredibly driven dude. Not only did he accomplish his sinister plan, but he avoided a common comic book villain mistake by waiting until after he'd already executed on his schemes to explain everything to the people who would stop him.

Did you know you're less likely to achieve a goal that you've told other people about? Derek Sivers talked about this in his TED Talk about keeping your goals to yourself. Basically you trick your brain into thinking you've already accomplished your goal when you share it with other people. Because you've already gotten satisfaction from it, you're less likely to do the work that's in front of you. I'm not going to be kidnapping many of the world's greatest artists and destroying countless cities and lives and blaming it on a giant-squid alien that I've invented, but from now on I'm going to do my best to keep my goals secret until I've already done the work to achieve them. Once I've made it, I'll wait 35 minutes and tell you about how cool it was.

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